21.   Tribesmen have kidnapped scores of foreigners in the past to win economic concessions from the government, but they have usually freed them safely.

22.   Tribesmen occasionally kidnap foreigners to demand money or public services from the Yemeni government.

23.   Three armed tribesmen kidnapped the tourist as he strolled outside his hotel on the outskirts of the capital late Monday.

24.   Tribesmen have kidnapped scores of foreigners to win economic concessions from the government, but they generally have been freed unharmed.

25.   Tribesmen often kidnap foreigners to use in their bargaining with the government for more public services.

26.   Tribesmen usually kidnap foreigners to press the government to provide new roads, water or clinics.

27.   Tribesmen have kidnapped a French diplomat here and taken him to a desert province, security sources said Monday.

28.   Tribesmen have kidnapped scores of foreigners in the past to win economic concessions from the government, but have usually freed them safely.

29.   Tribesmen kidnap tourists to push their demands for money, jobs and services in exchange for releasing their hostages.

30.   Tribesmen kidnapped four German tourists and took them to an isolated, desert area in eastern Yemen, the second kidnapping of Germans this month, officials said Friday.

n. + kidnap >>共 140
rebel 19.24%
gunman 11.32%
tribesman 7.64%
guerrilla 6.93%
group 6.79%
man 4.95%
militant 4.24%
tribe 2.55%
separatist 1.56%
agent 1.41%
tribesman + v. >>共 119
kidnap 16.56%
release 6.13%
say 4.29%
blow 3.99%
demand 3.37%
abduct 2.76%
be 2.76%
hold 2.15%
use 2.15%
attack 1.84%
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