21.   Ruprecht also had to cancel several traveling exhibitions scheduled for last week because of cutbacks in airline schedules and security concerns.

22.   The Barnes Foundation in Merion, Pa., and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, for example, have organized highly popular traveling exhibitions of their prized paintings.

23.   The exhibition was so popular that the Smithsonian Institution organized a national traveling exhibition of her work.

24.   The decorated Lincoln Town Cars have become at once artwork, alternative space and a traveling exhibition.

25.   The idea came from Susan Sollins, a founder and former executive director of Independent Curators International, which disseminates traveling exhibitions to museums.

26.   The new museum will pay the same fees the Modern charges as for any traveling exhibition, Lowery said, and is paying it a consulting fee.

27.   The model of the theater, which was the same size as the original, is still included in a traveling exhibition.

28.   The pieces of the traveling exhibition will leave for Los Angeles in unmarked trucks, traveling separately.

29.   The traveling exhibition at Breman, the U.S. premiere of this show, brings together for the first time examples from all phases of her fecund and protean career.

30.   The Smithsonian Institution this week unveils a unique traveling exhibition of solar devices intended to show that virtually anything under the sun can be powered by its rays.

a. + exhibition >>共 522
first 8.41%
new 3.81%
major 3.47%
final 3.30%
special 3.18%
traveling 2.56%
temporary 2.44%
recent 2.05%
international 1.93%
current 1.82%
traveling + n. >>共 293
companion 9.55%
exhibition 5.31%
exhibit 4.01%
public 3.77%
show 3.77%
party 3.07%
team 2.95%
circus 2.59%
carnival 2.48%
press 1.89%
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