21.   California agriculture officials, concerned that the virus would be transmitted to larger citrus groves, banned the Meyer in many of the citrus growing areas of the state.

22.   Chamberlain said teaching students how to avoid AIDS requires straight talk about how the virus is transmitted.

23.   Early notice can also stop mothers who are unaware that they are infected from nursing their babies and possibly transmitting the virus through breast milk.

24.   Even some health care professionals still believe the virus is transmitted only from open lesions.

25.   Fifteen years into the AIDS epidemic, myths abound about how the AIDS virus is transmitted.

26.   Experts on HIV have continually said the risk of transmitting the virus in these kinds of situations -- even in contact sports -- is remote.

27.   Foot-and-mouth virus is easily transmitted on clothes, shoes and vehicles.

28.   For instance, remember that one of the most common ways viruses get transmitted is by e-mail attachment.

29.   Hemophiliacs, who require regular treatment with blood products, have faced an epidemic of AIDS cases because the HIV virus is transmitted through infected blood.

30.   Health department spokesman Doug McBride said investigators have not been able to pinpoint how the virus was transmitted.

v. + virus >>共 288
transmit 8.55%
carry 8.18%
spread 7.09%
contract 5.64%
have 5.59%
find 3.50%
contain 2.50%
detect 2.18%
catch 2.05%
identify 2.05%
transmit + n. >>共 355
virus 10.62%
disease 8.92%
datum 8.87%
information 7.74%
signal 6.32%
message 4.07%
image 3.05%
picture 2.20%
infection 1.07%
program 1.07%
每页显示:    共 187