21.   In the past, the Democratic Congress scored points against the Bush administration by demanding that MFN trade privileges be withdrawn.

22.   Negotiators worked through the night Wednesday to reach compromises in disputes about agriculturaltrade and linking trade privileges to human rights issues, officials said.

23.   Rep. Solomon cited those reports, as well as concerns the U.S. trade deficit with China continues to grow, as reasons to reject China trade privileges.

24.   Silk blouses, plastic rainwear and portable tape and CD players would also cost significantly more if China lost its trade privileges.

25.   Some House Democrats are weighing whether they now may be able to balance that vote with one for legislation that would reward China with the trade privileges.

26.   That law, passed two decades ago, was intended to link trade privileges to the number of Soviet Jews who were allowed to emigrate.

27.   The annual renewal of trade privileges came amid allegations that China stole American nuclear secrets, and critics said the move would reward an oppressive government.

28.   The elimination of trade privileges for China, due for a congressional vote in June, is an extreme approach.

29.   The immediate subject of debate is whether normal trade privileges should be extended to China for another year.

30.   The idea evolved from the annual debate over whether to extend to China trade privileges known as MFN, or most-favored-nation status.

n. + privilege >>共 137
attorney-client 27.69%
trade 17.09%
lawyer-client 8.39%
tax 3.80%
access 2.06%
phone 1.90%
function 1.90%
travel 1.11%
telephone 0.95%
export 0.95%
trade + n. >>共 459
agreement 5.05%
deficit 4.96%
sanction 3.72%
talk 3.49%
group 3.39%
barrier 3.08%
official 2.48%
relation 2.39%
dispute 2.23%
surplus 2.13%
privilege 0.42%
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