21.   Child sex trade flourishes across Pakistan.

22.   Naymoyo warned that clandestine trade would flourish if an embargo is imposed.

23.   Tackling the problem has taken on a greater urgency because the global economic downturn has only allowed the illicit trade to flourish, she said.

24.   The drug trade flourished in this isolated southern town during the past three years of guerrilla control.

25.   The sex trade flourishes in Cambodia, where it is common for young single and married men to visit prostitutes.

26.   Trade also flourishes in several provincial markets, including the border town of Poipet near Thailand.

27.   With Bosnia rich in minerals and Slovenia the most developed republic in the former federation, trade flourished before the war.

28.   With warmer relations and the Soviet collapse, Russian-Chinese trade has flourished.

29.   Years of political instability have let the drug trade flourish.

30.   Border trade is flourishing between Russia and China, but much of it is unregulated and both sides need to boost cooperation to decriminalise it, she added.

n. + flourish >>共 474
business 3.98%
trade 3.56%
industry 1.89%
plant 1.78%
company 1.68%
economy 1.68%
corruption 1.47%
program 1.47%
democracy 1.36%
crime 1.15%
trade + v. >>共 439
be 30.44%
go 2.52%
have 2.52%
remain 1.88%
take 1.75%
continue 1.67%
come 1.62%
flourish 1.45%
help 1.41%
make 1.41%
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