21.   Nyerere has been at the centre of negotiations to restore peace in Burundi that faultered when the Burundian military toppled the civilian Hutu president Sylvestre Ntibantunganya.

22.   Taliban have vowed to topple president Burhanuddin Rabbani and enforce strict Islamic law all over Afghanistan.

23.   The Banyamulenge said Friday they had joined forces with several other groups against Zairean troops and wanted to topple the president.

v. + president >>共 850
elect 5.38%
include 3.21%
accuse 2.88%
impeach 2.66%
meet 2.47%
say 2.29%
choose 2.16%
see 1.90%
remove 1.77%
criticize 1.67%
topple 0.36%
topple + n. >>共 198
government 39.29%
regime 4.59%
doe 3.37%
tree 3.27%
president 2.35%
dictator 2.04%
wall 2.04%
leader 1.84%
line 1.53%
communism 1.33%
每页显示:    共 23