21.   Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.

22.   Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France.

23.   Other poor countries looked outward, strengthening their ties to the economic superpowers.

24.   Why do people feel so drawn to form such deep ties to teams?

25.   In his veto message Bush said that if China was presented with such an ultimatum the result will be weakened ties to the West and further repression.

26.   If the son is psychologically castrated by a too-close tie to the phallic mother, then the symbolism of this myth is very transparent.

27.   There are strong emotional ties to old Commonwealth countries such as New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.

28.   The UGT confederation is a socialist union with close historical and organizational ties to the PSOE that go back about a century.

29.   Although he grew up on Long Island, his ties to Carolina are strong.

30.   Al-Qaida also has ties to terrorist groups in Indonesia and the Philippines.

n. + to >>共 1468
trip 1.94%
end 1.15%
letter 0.93%
approach 0.86%
close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
tie + p. >>共 44
with 43.97%
to 27.47%
between 14.05%
for 3.42%
in 3.24%
against 1.20%
of 0.88%
at 0.86%
on 0.83%
by 0.49%
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