21.   And a few weeks back, thousands died when meningitis swept across a broad belt of West Africa.

22.   At some point, New Yorkers will have to decide how to mark the place where, on a clear, sunny September morning, thousands died.

23.   All we are told is that thousands would die unless there was a foreign military intervention.

24.   British scientists have recently toned down predictions of a massive human epidemic, but still say several thousand could die.

25.   But now many of the employees are considering moving back to Cambodia, even though thousands die each year in the civil war which has yet to end.

26.   But the simple proliferation of human beings dictated that thousands would die.

27.   Every year, thousands of Americans die waiting for an organ transplant.

28.   He also notes that five Americans died from anthrax last year, but thousands died from the flu.

29.   Health officials say thousands of people die from drug-resistant tuberculosis because some provinces cannot afford to stock the proper medication.

30.   Historical inaccuracies, as well as cliches such a dog surviving while thousands die, further diminish its credibility.

n. + die >>共 778
people 17.32%
man 4.95%
child 2.95%
soldier 2.89%
father 2.65%
mother 2.57%
woman 2.54%
person 2.45%
victim 2.07%
patient 1.87%
thousand 1.22%
thousand + v. >>共 652
be 14.79%
flee 4.51%
die 3.75%
take 3.37%
march 3.14%
gather 2.89%
attend 2.36%
line 2.06%
turn 1.99%
remain 1.85%
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