21.   But the Patriots are not some encounter group, and their Sunday gatherings are not therapy sessions.

22.   But with the therapy sessions came the healing.

23.   During a recent water therapy session, Tim ran the treadmill from a trough-side control panel.

24.   During a therapy session, the executive told Cooper that announcement of a deal was imminent.

25.   Each day the president does two one-hour therapy sessions.

26.   Doctors said Thomas suffered from cardiorespiratory arrest while being transferred from his bed to a wheelchair on his way to a therapy session.

27.   For this therapy session, you need to dim the lights, cuddle a quilt, and pop, pour or scoop a snack plump with fat grams.

28.   He asked his patient to view this film and said they would talk about it during their next therapy session.

29.   His public appearances seem to resemble therapy sessions, with a lot of enabling payrollers around to smooth his feathers and explain afterword what he really meant.

30.   However, the county attorney in Louisville dismissed the assault case because Minor attended the requisite number of battery therapy sessions.

n. + session >>共 665
morning 11.37%
practice 10.52%
court 4.95%
parliament 3.14%
strategy 2.85%
photo 2.81%
therapy 1.68%
marathon 1.60%
two-day 1.39%
interview 1.39%
therapy + n. >>共 118
session 16.98%
experiment 6.92%
group 6.71%
program 5.66%
trial 5.24%
research 3.35%
study 2.52%
dog 2.31%
company 2.10%
product 1.89%
每页显示:    共 80