21.   Less happily for restive Islamic and Turkic groups either side of it, they each agreed to crack down on organisations that challenge the territorial integrity of the other.

22.   Nonetheless, the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and noninterference in the internal affairs of states present formidable obstacles to intervention by international organizations.

23.   Spain is right to insist on its territorial integrity.

24.   Territorial integrity has vanished.

25.   The assurances include pledges by the United States, Russia, and Britain to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and to refrain from economic coercion.

26.   The government invokes the principle of territorial integrity and the economic imperative to integrate the Krajina, which sits astride vital oil, rail and road networks.

27.   The Muslim-led Bosnian government of President Alija Izetbegovic is committed, above all, to preserving the territorial integrity of Bosnia within its internationally recognized borders.

28.   The objective is the acceptance by two sides of a peace proposal to give Albanians autonomy while preserving Serbian territorial integrity.

29.   The United States has not officially endorsed independence for Kosovo and has instead insisted that all parties respect the territorial integrity of present-day Serbia.

30.   We sometimes disagree about the ways and means of defending ourselves, but we are united and uncompromising in the decision to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity.

a. + integrity >>共 189
territorial 23.44%
personal 7.32%
artistic 6.66%
structural 3.73%
public 2.40%
professional 2.40%
great 2.40%
academic 2.00%
journalistic 2.00%
moral 1.60%
territorial + n. >>共 260
dispute 29.00%
integrity 7.84%
claim 7.35%
concession 6.95%
gain 4.23%
issue 3.39%
compromise 2.63%
ambition 2.23%
right 1.83%
division 1.69%
每页显示:    共 175