21.   Liberals applaud the new tolerance for homosexuals, which contrasts starkly with the situation in many other African countries, where they face long jail terms.

22.   Nixon fell from on high only after low-level culprits, seeking to dodge potentially long jail terms, found new operatic careers in federal court.

23.   Nor is he likely to get the maximum sentence, lawyers say, since sokaiya rarely get jail terms.

24.   One who was absent Wednesday from Prague was Jiri Dienstbier, who shared jail terms with Havel and emerged from the revolution as his foreign minister.

25.   Others were given longer jail terms.

26.   Roh and Chun, two predecessors of President Kim Young Sam are serving jail terms after being convicted of bribery and treason.

27.   The men, all leaders of the Cali drug cartel, are serving jail terms in Colombia.

28.   The sentences handed down Friday followed those imposed recently by another judge, who began meting out stiffer jail terms in May for protests on Vieques.

29.   Three other Uighurs were given the death penalty with a two-year suspension and six more were sentenced to jail terms, two for life.

30.   Two lower-ranking secret police officers were given three-year jail terms for beating dissidents under the same plan.

n. + jail >>共 93
term 40.56%
city 14.39%
security 5.98%
high-security 2.62%
police 2.43%
town 1.68%
year 1.50%
immigration 1.31%
face 1.31%
life 1.31%
term + n. >>共 892
limit 24.28%
prison 10.39%
jail 5.55%
end 1.74%
contract 1.64%
life 1.13%
loan 0.87%
policy 0.69%
level 0.67%
investment 0.64%
每页显示:    共 216