21.   Here are some of the pet peeves that are sweeping our nation.

22.   In addition, Craxi is one among a great number of people implicated in the bribery scandals that have swept the nation.

23.   In the meantime, Miklos Salgo, of Saquinavir-maker Hoffman-La Roche, said interest in the drug is sweeping the nation.

24.   It is that tabloid mentality that is sweeping this nation.

25.   It is hard to imagine pink hibiscus prints sweeping the nation.

26.   McGwire-mania is sweeping the nation, and those feeling the brunt of the media storm are here in the area.

27.   No-fault divorce laws soon swept the nation.

28.   Now many women are getting in shape while relieving pent-up emotions through the latest fitness craze to sweep the nation -- aerobic-boxing workouts.

29.   Of course, the napping movement is not exactly sweeping the nation.

30.   Of course, these Prada-clad seers were all wrong just two years ago when they predicted techno or electronica was going to sweep the nation.

v. + nation >>共 784
lead 8.59%
address 5.18%
divide 1.92%
develop 1.90%
shock 1.88%
industrialize 1.45%
bring 1.36%
represent 1.15%
sweep 1.15%
help 1.15%
sweep + n. >>共 644
country 5.05%
power 3.32%
street 2.74%
floor 2.60%
nation 2.45%
area 2.16%
region 2.02%
car 1.97%
series 1.59%
election 1.54%
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