21.   Moreover, it appears to be safe, with minimal side effects, and simple -- you just swallow a pill about an hour before sexual activity.

22.   No matter how healthy he felt, they said, he had to swallow those pills.

23.   Novartis said that the addition of a nasal spray to the various options available to migraine sufferers is important because many patients are too nauseated to swallow pills.

24.   Now those who are diagnosed with that leukemia simply swallow some pills, and the cancer is killed.

25.   Of total body radiation and a throat so raw it took her two hours to swallow one pill.

26.   Norma Donlon, however, insists that veterans must swallow that pill.

27.   Otherwise the machine asks again and finally alerts Nurse Central, where a nurse dials the patient to make sure the pills are swallowed on schedule.

28.   Richard McIlroy had swallowed some pills with a martini, but then vomited the drink.

29.   She swallows the pill that once was banned around the world, then sleeps like a rock for eight solid hours.

30.   She swallowed pills, while her mother fed her painkillers intravenously.

v. + pill >>共 180
take 32.17%
swallow 5.51%
use 4.05%
pop 3.60%
sell 2.36%
give 2.25%
approve 2.14%
prescribe 2.14%
get 1.91%
distribute 1.80%
swallow + n. >>共 423
pride 7.72%
pill 5.19%
poison 1.69%
water 1.59%
tongue 1.48%
capsule 1.48%
medicine 1.48%
loss 1.27%
drug 1.27%
saving 1.16%
每页显示:    共 49