21.   Giuliani, as even his closest supporters acknowledge, has a blunt personality that may not wear well over time.

22.   Gramm supporters acknowledge that Buchanan has gained momentum at their expense.

23.   His supporters acknowledge that a poor showing in both states would probably doom his candidacy.

24.   Initiative supporters acknowledge that inequities still exist.

25.   Supporters acknowledge that the legislation raised free-speech issues that would face serious court challenges.

26.   Supporters acknowledge that this appointment is a risk.

27.   Supporters acknowledged that the amendment is unlikely to win ratification anytime soon.

28.   The measure qualified for the general election, its supporters acknowledge, only because they paid a bounty for every signature gathered.

29.   With accusations piling up against Carey in recent months, many Carey supporters acknowledged that he faced an uphill battle in convincing the review board of his innocence.

30.   Yet even ardent supporters acknowledge that most so-called ultralights violate the rules.

n. + acknowledge >>共 801
official 27.41%
government 4.30%
company 2.86%
leader 2.54%
executive 2.46%
authority 2.03%
side 1.27%
aide 1.25%
spokesman 1.17%
report 1.12%
supporter 0.70%
supporter + v. >>共 778
say 25.41%
be 6.62%
argue 2.78%
hope 1.43%
have 1.20%
call 0.99%
include 0.96%
contend 0.90%
believe 0.90%
want 0.87%
acknowledge 0.54%
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