21.   The key to a successful outcome will be the president.

22.   The McCaugheys also were criticized for giving credit to God for the successful outcome.

23.   The most successful outcome for someone buying a put option is to have the stock fall to zero.

24.   The possibility of a successful outcome of talks with Milosevic looked slim.

25.   The successful outcome also came as good news to parents belonging to Conjoined Twins International, a three-year-old support group in Prescott, Ariz.

26.   The underlying strength and history of the North Atlantic relationship bodes well, but achieving a successful outcome will be a major challenge in the years ahead.

27.   The underlying strength and history of the North Atlantic relationship bodes well, but achieving a successful outcome will be a major policy challenge in the years ahead.

28.   They say a successful outcome would show that Osama bin Laden had not succeeded in disrupting an open and interconnected world.

29.   U.S. officials said that at this point the odds favored reaching a deal, but that a successful outcome was by no means a certainty.

30.   U.S. diplomacy will be more important to a successful outcome than our humanitarian or development aid.

a. + outcome >>共 430
whatever 7.39%
likely 6.41%
final 6.27%
possible 4.41%
positive 3.53%
such 3.53%
different 3.53%
successful 2.93%
eventual 2.14%
ultimate 2.14%
successful + n. >>共 1942
career 2.74%
business 1.85%
campaign 1.70%
surgery 1.48%
businessman 1.47%
season 1.36%
company 1.33%
effort 1.26%
program 1.16%
candidate 1.07%
outcome 0.69%
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