21.   Though limited, the successes have given oncologists new confidence that by identifying more molecular targets they can rationally design more drugs to block specific actions in cancerous cells.

22.   Baxter said he hoped his success would give a boost to winter sports athletes in Britain.

23.   But he said previous success has given him the comfortable position of working for enjoyment rather than survival.

24.   But success has apparently given him much to smile about now.

25.   Since then, periodic successes have given way to longer stretches of inactivity and uninspiring work.

26.   That success gave Atherton the clout he needed to call the tune in selection.

27.   Twain says the success gave her confidence while working on the follow-up.

28.   The success has given it a turbocharged moral boost.

29.   The success has given it a turbocharged morale boost.

30.   Tembo and others in the FDD spearheaded the movement against his third term, and their success gave their new party a quick lift.

n. + give >>共 1240
government 2.60%
official 2.49%
report 1.96%
company 1.46%
law 1.37%
police 1.14%
doctor 1.00%
deal 0.95%
victory 0.94%
authority 0.92%
success 0.10%
success + v. >>共 404
be 30.81%
come 7.89%
depend 6.10%
have 3.55%
make 2.08%
bring 1.94%
mean 1.64%
lead 1.54%
seem 1.17%
go 1.13%
give 1.10%
每页显示:    共 30