21.   In addition to urban Chinatowns and Japantowns, the Bay Area has newer clusters of ethnic groceries and restaurants at suburban malls.

22.   In many respects, it is the quintessential suburban mall set down in the middle of a city.

23.   In recent decades, the city has lost many downtown businesses to suburban malls.

24.   In the suburban malls, application displays compete with merchandise space.

25.   Lee and many others who expressed similar concerns were interviewed in a downtown mall whose sleek decor easily bears comparison with the most comfortable suburban malls in America.

26.   Luxury retailers who have staked claims in suburban malls as well as metropolitan shopping areas were already feeling pinched before the attacks.

27.   Long ago, the village center moved to suburban malls and corporate campuses.

28.   Miraculously, their chain-store homogenization has not given the Avenue of the Americas the feeling of a suburban mall.

29.   Most big banks and mining firms stayed, but the elegant Eloff Street shops have left for suburban malls.

30.   Most of the vehicles have been stolen from parking lots in suburban malls or from curbside or driveways, when the owners were not present.

a. + mall >>共 249
pedestrian 13.46%
suburban 6.34%
local 5.78%
new 5.34%
regional 3.67%
big 2.56%
crowded 2.56%
downtown 2.34%
upscale 1.78%
online 1.33%
suburban + n. >>共 660
home 7.03%
area 4.91%
school 3.00%
neighborhood 2.93%
district 2.72%
community 2.51%
sprawl 2.26%
mall 2.01%
train 1.84%
house 1.77%
每页显示:    共 57