21.   The programs are designed to enable students to work in their own time and at their own pace.

22.   The module is intended to prepare students to work effectively in a group and to understand the benefits of teamwork in achieving a common goal.

23.   Spokesman Paul Smith explained that students could work at their own pace and return their work to the centre for correction, annotation and comment.

24.   Students have worked over the last four years with Castle Eden Walkway and Cleveland Wildlife Trust in planting trees throughout Stockton.

25.   The students are working under the guidance of park rangers.

26.   Also, many students have worked on Macintoshes throughout school and know those machines well, which is a real plus.

27.   And do not pose as someone you are not, like a student working on an MBA research project.

28.   And, in keeping with the Hungarian model, the students will work with the best.

29.   At the beginning of the summer, the students worked on group projects.

30.   At the heart of that study is chavrusa, students working in pairs, each young man selecting a partner based on intellectual and social compatibility.

n. + work >>共 1142
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man 1.09%
group 1.02%
employee 1.02%
student 0.57%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
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learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
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