21.   The report concludes that when people are unable to meet their food requirements, their survival strategies often lead them to join rebellions or become criminals.

22.   The strategy led to the Flyers only goal early in the second period when rookie Justin Williams intercepted a backhand pass by defenseman Scott Niedermayer at the blue line.

23.   The strategy will lead to a slower growth in imports, which will help balance the booming trade deficit.

24.   That strategy has led to the layoffs of several thousand officials, salary caps and a tax increase.

n. + lead >>共 1747
share 2.07%
stock 1.39%
investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
move 0.83%
road 0.79%
talk 0.70%
incident 0.66%
bank 0.61%
case 0.60%
strategy 0.14%
strategy + v. >>共 440
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work 10.24%
seem 2.68%
backfire 2.50%
have 2.42%
pay_off 2.40%
appear 1.97%
fail 1.68%
include 1.47%
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每页显示:    共 24