21.   The plant had been closed since February, when a rupture in a steam generator caused a radioactive leak that officials said posed no public health threat.

22.   The plant had been closed since last February, when a tube ruptured in a steam generator, causing a radioactive leak.

23.   The steam generators are giant heat exchangers.

24.   The test did not involve part of the steam generator that has proven to be a problem in other breeder reactors, he said.

25.   Two steam generators were replaced during the last two years and the third will be completed early next year.

26.   Radioactive coolant is leaking from a steam generator of the Indian Point nuclear plant, but not enough to endanger anyone or slow down the plant, officials said.

27.   A reactor at the troubled Kozlodui nuclear power complex was turned off after a malfunction in a steam generator, the state news agency BTA reported Tuesday.

28.   A Ukrainian nuclear power plant was planning Monday to restart a reactor that was turned off after a breakdown in the automatic control system of a steam generator.

29.   He said the government also intends to sell the nuclear reactor assembly, steam generators, coolant pumps and other plant equipment.

30.   He said the water level in one of six steam generators continued to rise after a test of a new system to regulate the turbines.

n. + generator >>共 113
power 33.70%
oxygen 14.98%
electricity 11.35%
diesel 6.76%
steam 4.59%
wind 2.05%
pulse 1.81%
revenue 1.81%
back-up 1.45%
turbine 1.21%
steam + n. >>共 133
locomotive 9.44%
room 9.24%
generator 7.63%
train 7.43%
pipe 3.41%
power 3.21%
shower 2.61%
heat 2.61%
system 2.21%
car 2.01%
每页显示:    共 38