21.   However, it is widely expected that Arafat will push for postponing a statehood declaration.

22.   If the summit fails, U.S. officials fear the Palestinian statehood declaration will be virtually inevitable.

23.   However, most Palestinians paid little attention to the debate, apparently expecting that it would result in a decision to delay a statehood declaration.

24.   If, however the summit beginning Thursday at the Wye Plantation in Maryland fails, U.S. officials fear that the Palestinian statehood declaration will be virtually inevitable.

25.   Israel has called that stance irresponsible and dangerous and demanded that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat stop talking about any unilateral statehood declaration.

26.   Many Palestinian legislators are also members of the PCC which was widely expected to decide to postpone a statehood declaration.

27.   Netanyahu has hinted he might respond to a unilateral statehood declaration by annexing chunks of the West Bank, which would probably set off an explosion of violence.

28.   Netanyahu said earlier that a statehood declaration would violate the autonomy accords which say the final status of the disputed territories must be determined through negotiations.

29.   Netanyahu said earlier that a statehood declaration would violate the autonomy accords which say the final status of the disputed territories must be negotiated.

30.   Netanyahu has hinted he would respond to any unilateral statehood declaration by annexing chunks of the West Bank, a move that would likely bring an explosion of violence.

n. + declaration >>共 101
disaster 15.42%
draft 11.67%
statehood 8.54%
independence 5.42%
peace 4.58%
summit 4.58%
cease-fire 4.17%
security 3.33%
custom 2.92%
conference 2.71%
statehood + n. >>共 49
declaration 25.63%
issue 15.00%
advocate 8.13%
supporter 6.25%
announcement 3.13%
claim 3.13%
aspiration 2.50%
movement 2.50%
plan 2.50%
ambition 1.88%
每页显示:    共 41