21.   He also helped start NAFTA negotiations from his post in the State Department.

22.   He even persuaded the United States to start negotiations on a free-trade pact, a rare distinction.

23.   He said he would like to start contract negotiations with Jackson County within weeks, before a budget is approved in December.

24.   Hungarian ministers will first consult members of the governing coalition, then five opposition political parties, before starting negotiations with the Slovaks.

25.   Kohl said that his Christian Democratic alliance and its liberal Free Democratic coalition partner would start negotiations on a new legislative program in the next few days.

26.   Larson said the U.S. will start follow-up negotiations later this month.

27.   Loral and Lockheed Martin started negotiations on the transaction in September.

28.   Major said the election was a fair way to resolve disputes among the Northern Ireland parties on how best to get the negotiations started.

29.   Mortensen said he stepped down as chairman last month as he started negotiations to buy the restaurant unit.

30.   Moreover, Latin American countries have started trade negotiations with the European Union, witnesses said.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
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conduct 2.43%
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complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
start + n. >>共 911
game 5.00%
fire 4.25%
work 3.52%
talk 3.01%
business 2.41%
negotiation 1.85%
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season 1.74%
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