21.   No campaign formula, whether from Republicans or Democrats, Steve Forbes or Patrick J. Buchanan, will change that stark reality in the rest of this century.

22.   Putting it in black and white gives it such stark reality.

23.   Stability and development in this nation, the crossroads of Asia, require recognition of two stark realities.

24.   That dream turns to stark reality on Saturday.

25.   The only thing that will bring stark reality home would be seeing Dick Clark wither under his top coat as the Times Square ball drops.

26.   The stark reality is that the next time the United States tangles with Saddam, it may find itself almost completely isolated.

27.   The stark reality is the bandage solutions devised to end that nightmare have done little to solve the underlying problems that caused the confrontation.

28.   The stark reality of a peace deal, after so many months of violence, might be too much for Israelis to handle right now.

29.   There, in all its stark reality, was a truly original quote from Jerry Rice.

30.   This argument goes, How can pseudo-reality match up to the stark reality of recent weeks?

a. + reality >>共 728
virtual 12.15%
political 8.35%
new 8.32%
economic 5.07%
harsh 4.49%
grim 1.72%
hard 1.60%
stark 1.27%
cold 1.18%
current 0.97%
stark + n. >>共 334
contrast 30.65%
difference 4.56%
reminder 4.06%
choice 3.65%
reality 3.48%
relief 1.74%
term 1.57%
warning 1.41%
picture 1.24%
image 1.16%
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