21.   Prosecutors complained at the end of the session that the repetition of earlier questions amounted to a stalling tactic.

22.   The conference, however, is seen by critics as a stalling tactic by Abacha to enable him to cling to power.

23.   The largest Catholic party in Northern Ireland, the moderate Social Democratic and Labor Party, sternly rejected the election idea again Tuesday as unworkable and a stalling tactic.

24.   This is a stalling tactic.

25.   U.S. diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, had dismissed the survey plan as a stalling tactic and questioned what purpose such a short mission would serve.

26.   At the United Nations, Bosnian Foreign Minister Muhamed Sacirbey described that meeting as a stalling tactic meant to give the allies more time to delay action.

27.   Defence lawyer Abdul Waheed Katpar said the change of the venue would have no impact on the case and dismissed prosecution claims as a stalling tactic.

28.   The latter has in the past been urged as a stalling tactic by opposition party members.

a. + tactic >>共 256
same 5.88%
new 5.12%
delaying 4.90%
common 4.47%
stalling 3.05%
negotiating 2.94%
scare 2.83%
diversionary 2.83%
best 2.72%
such 2.61%
stalling + n. >>共 31
tactic 31.11%
tactics 24.44%
economy 10.00%
effort 2.22%
front 2.22%
negotiation 2.22%
call 1.11%
campaign 1.11%
cease 1.11%
communication 1.11%
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