21.   SEP is keenly aware that price pressure will squeeze its margins in the coming years.

22.   That in turn comes as broadcast channels proliferate with the advent of new technology and print publishing margins are squeezed by higher paper prices and competition.

23.   That started today, with hog prices plunging their daily trading limit at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange while corn prices soared, continuing to squeeze margins at hog producers.

24.   The bank warned that a further lowering of interest rates may squeeze interest margins further this year.

25.   The enormous debt would drain Telecom at a time when increased competition was putting intense pressure on phone costs throughout Europe, squeezing industry margins.

26.   The lifting of restrictions on imported gas also pushed down domestic pump prices, squeezing margins.

27.   The Norfolk, Virginia, pork processor reported lower earnings for the last two quarters as rising prices squeezed margins for fresh pork.

28.   The profit growth will not be sustained in coming months as rising raw material prices will squeeze margins.

29.   This is squeezing margins and pushing firms to slash costs.

30.   While analysts have said most retailers will report improved Christmas sales, they cautioned that price competition may have squeezed margins for some.

v. + margin >>共 224
have 22.10%
give 8.36%
provide 4.67%
squeeze 4.04%
cut 2.96%
increase 2.79%
reduce 2.79%
improve 2.70%
boost 1.62%
widen 1.53%
squeeze + n. >>共 577
profit 9.43%
juice 3.20%
hand 3.20%
margin 2.77%
money 2.34%
trigger 1.85%
eye 1.66%
cost 1.48%
earnings 1.42%
lemon 1.36%
每页显示:    共 45