21.   Safety specialists believe that many accidents are caused by a series of events that come together.

22.   Security specialists believe that several nations, including North Korea, Syria and Libya, possess large stockpiles.

23.   Specialists believe the lower numbers are partly due to the slow upward progress of black professionals in US corporations.

24.   Still, most specialists believe the case is legally problematic enough that it will eventually make its way back to the Supreme Court.

25.   Some refugee specialists believe the occasional admission of human rights offenders may be worth it in the overall scheme.

26.   Some specialists believe that this is what happened to Judith Curren, a Pembroke woman who killed herself last August with the assistance of Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

27.   The criticism of the juvenile court misses a fundamental point, some specialists believe.

28.   The source of the uranium has not been identified, but specialists believe it may have come from a naval reactor in the former Soviet Union.

29.   Thus, many specialists believe that Congress will increasingly takes it cues less from its legal advisers than from its constituents.

30.   Condor specialists believe the birds, which have been released in remote areas of Arizona and California, fed on carcasses of animals killed by gunfire.

n. + believe >>共 628
official 8.24%
police 7.86%
analyst 6.69%
expert 4.89%
people 4.77%
investigator 4.12%
authority 4.01%
scientist 3.11%
observer 2.53%
researcher 1.72%
specialist 0.21%
specialist + v. >>共 374
say 29.93%
be 8.74%
agree 1.86%
believe 1.86%
have 1.51%
examine 1.10%
see 1.05%
warn 1.00%
recommend 0.95%
tell 0.95%
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