21.   Hindu nationalists have been picketing the plant during the last three years it has functioned, saying it slaughters thousands of buffaloes and lamb every day.

22.   In theory, that is to travel to Congolese areas where rebels fighting to unseat the late Mobutu Sese Seko allegedly slaughtered thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees.

23.   Massive bloodshed followed when nationalist mobs slaughtered thousands of suspected leftists and members of the ethnic Chinese minority.

24.   One year after Bosnian Serbs captured this former Muslim enclave, slaughtering thousands to create an ethnically pure city, Srebrenica remains a joyless town.

25.   One U.S. Army report said they slaughtered thousands of anti-communist South Koreans, and some captured American GIs, before their retreat.

26.   Sister Gertrude Mukangango and Sister Julienne Kizito allegedly helped a Hutu mob which slaughtered thousands of Tutsis seeking sanctuary in their convent in southern Rwanda.

27.   The Netherlands and France have already slaughtered thousands of animals.

28.   They say his soldiers slaughtered thousands of Hutu refugees during the rebellion.

29.   Two livestock breeders in north-central Shanxi Province have been sentenced to prison for slaughtering thousands of head of a protected species of gazelle.

30.   One year after Bosnian Serbs captured this former Muslim enclave and allegedly slaughtered thousands to create an ethnically pure city, Srebrenica remains a joyless town.

v. + thousand >>共 989
kill 5.17%
send 3.14%
have 2.89%
draw 2.42%
attract 2.08%
leave 1.89%
cost 1.86%
spend 1.58%
save 1.49%
involve 1.29%
slaughter 0.44%
slaughter + n. >>共 127
animal 14.44%
thousand 6.32%
cattle 5.60%
people 5.05%
cow 4.87%
sheep 4.69%
hundred 3.97%
chicken 3.25%
pig 2.89%
hog 2.71%
每页显示:    共 35