21.   But as they waited anxiously, Panetta heard first from his Mexican counterpart, who said that the situation there was worsening.

22.   But her dithering has allowed a bad situation to steadily worsen.

23.   But late on Monday, officials said that the situation had worsened so that it was now necessary to burn hundreds of bodies.

24.   But Redlener wrote that the situation is worsening for the boy as standoff has become more vicious and heated.

25.   Despite aggressive grassroots action the situation has worsened.

26.   Ellen Frishberg, director of student financial services at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said the situation would probably worsen.

27.   Engel called for U.S. action before the situation worsens.

28.   He returned almost immediately because his situation worsened.

29.   Hospitals have also been scrambling to find nurses in recent years, and the situation has worsened considerably in the last six months.

30.   If current budget negotiations between Clinton and Republicans in Congress again fail to produce and agreement, the jobs situation could worsen.

n. + worsen >>共 390
situation 17.48%
condition 14.36%
problem 5.59%
crisis 2.99%
violence 2.60%
economy 2.60%
relation 1.95%
health 1.69%
weather 1.62%
shortage 1.36%
situation + v. >>共 459
be 41.92%
improve 4.61%
remain 3.47%
worsen 3.46%
change 3.43%
become 2.98%
deteriorate 2.78%
get 2.44%
seem 1.39%
arise 1.21%
每页显示:    共 267