21.   Heads dropped and silence reigned in the streets of the Argentine capital on Wednesday after the highly favoured national side slid out of the World Cup.

22.   But silence reigned.

n. + reign >>共 288
confusion 13.32%
chaos 7.64%
peace 5.15%
silence 3.91%
anarchy 3.37%
calm 2.31%
optimism 2.13%
atmosphere 1.42%
pandemonium 1.07%
style 1.07%
silence + v. >>共 175
be 45.08%
fall 4.76%
deafen 2.86%
follow 2.33%
reign 2.33%
descend 1.90%
become 1.48%
hang 1.16%
greet 1.16%
make 1.16%
每页显示:    共 22