21.   Two shells landed near the town hospital on Monday and one civilian was killed, a U.N. spokesman said.

22.   Over the weekend, one driver lost control of his truck when a shell landed in front of him.

23.   Other fatalities include three militiamen and three civilians, who died when a shell landed inside a camp for the displaced Somalis.

24.   Peacekeeping spokesmen in Sarajevo said it appeared the post had been deliberately targeted because one shell landed near the shelter before a second hit directly, killing the soldier.

25.   A cemetery for Bosnian kids killed six months ago when a single Serb shell landed directly in front of the hippest place in town, the Cafe Gate.

26.   A gardener was injured when the shell landed near a hotel entrance in mid-afternoon, setting off a panic and shattering some windows.

27.   A mortar shell also landed near a Canadian vehicle.

28.   A mortar shell also landed near a vehicle with Canadian engineers.

29.   A Russian peacekeeper hit Wednesday suffered serious shrapnel wounds to the spine when a shell landed near his observation post on a front line.

30.   A shell landed near a water truck as residents lined up for the scarce water rations.

n. + land >>共 698
plane 18.35%
shell 6.53%
helicopter 5.07%
rocket 3.75%
ball 3.58%
aircraft 2.92%
flight 2.68%
missile 2.47%
foreman 1.77%
bomb 1.70%
shell + v. >>共 297
hit 17.70%
land 8.58%
fall 7.53%
be 7.48%
explode 6.89%
slam 5.47%
say 3.97%
strike 2.24%
kill 1.73%
come 1.46%
每页显示:    共 187