21.   Mohler is pictured as a political compromiser who once backed the role of women as senior pastors.

22.   Moderates object to changes saying women should not serve as senior pastors and that wives should submit to the servant leadership of their husbands.

23.   Ray, the senior pastor of Redemptive Life Fellowship Church, said to even hint that racism is an issue is destructive.

24.   Rex Horn, senior pastor at the Emannuel Baptist Church, Little Rock, with whom Clinton talks weekly on the phone.

25.   Ron Schermerhorn, senior pastor of the Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene in south Kansas City, said Meneilly unfairly bashed the right.

26.   Senior pastor David Cooper took to the pulpit in each of the three morning services and told the congregation that Joel needed a liver.

27.   She is believed to be the first woman to be a senior pastor of a Baptist church in Texas.

28.   The church itself has distanced itself from Ntakirutimana, who was a senior pastor in charge of western Rwanda.

29.   The church recruited Luti, who was then teaching at Andover Newton Theological School, ordained her as a minister, and installed her as the senior pastor.

30.   The clergymen are Tony Campolo, a liberal Baptist from Pennsylvania and Rev. Gordon MacDonald, a senior pastor of a non-denominational church in Massachusetts.

a. + pastor >>共 134
senior 11.39%
associate 10.06%
assistant 5.69%
church 4.36%
former 3.98%
lutheran 3.61%
black 3.42%
evangelical 3.04%
protestant 3.04%
local 2.66%
senior + n. >>共 459
official 25.50%
officer 4.38%
government 3.90%
executive 3.02%
member 2.90%
leader 2.39%
year 2.27%
administration 2.24%
aide 2.19%
adviser 2.04%
pastor 0.22%
每页显示:    共 60