21.   Columbia University business school students recently attended a recruitment session, led by the consulting firm Grant Thornton.

22.   Difficulty in projecting which schools district students would attend resulted in some schools being understaffed while creating student overcrowding at others.

23.   Earlier this year, the music school students held a ceremony in memory of their lost friends.

24.   El Cenizo officials, who relied heavily on a local law school student to craft their ordinance, seemed truly surprised that their measure would generate so much controversy.

25.   Enlisting a group of religious school students, calling themselves the Taliban, Omar hunted down the offender and allegedly hung him from the turret of an armored tank.

26.   Even fresh-faced business school students appear to distinguish between posturing and outright lying.

27.   Financial markets are fickle, and business school students are nothing if not attentive to markets.

28.   For business school students, who are finding less or none of the expected wining and dining, the uncertainty is novel and unsettling.

29.   Frustrated by being cut off from the community, Knauff organized the Street Law Clinic to provide law school students as mentors for middle school kids.

30.   Georgia State University law school student Denise deLaRue was vainly trying to find her way to class earlier this summer when she was approached by four guys.

n. + student >>共 543
college 27.81%
university 12.85%
minority 5.32%
law 5.21%
honor 3.41%
seminary 2.40%
school 2.20%
art 1.81%
exchange 1.64%
high-school 1.42%
school + n. >>共 674
official 11.45%
system 6.22%
child 3.04%
administrator 2.50%
building 2.11%
program 1.71%
teacher 1.69%
voucher 1.60%
prayer 1.45%
history 1.29%
student 0.83%
每页显示:    共 129