21.   The scandal brought down the government of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

22.   The scandal brought the race to a temporary halt and the sport virtually to its knees.

23.   The scandal has already brought down Ting Tze-fa, a three-star general who heads the Combined Services Forces, which handles military supplies and provisions.

24.   The party succeeded the Christian Democrats, which dominated Italian politics since World War II until scandal brought them down.

25.   The scandal also brought down the former director general of the Office of the National Lottery, Peter Davis.

26.   The scandal has brought the arrests of two ministry bureaucrats and the resignation of two top officials.

27.   The scandal brought down an entire political class, opening the way for Berlusconi to jump into politics.

28.   The scandals brought down the main Catholic political voice, the long-dominant Christian Democrats, and virtually the entire old governing class.

29.   The scandal brought down the government of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and investigations are still continuing.

30.   Three months later the scandal brought down his mentor, Chen Xitong, mayor and party secretary of the capital for eight years.

n. + bring >>共 1617
day 0.98%
government 0.95%
people 0.83%
company 0.82%
year 0.78%
team 0.66%
change 0.61%
police 0.58%
system 0.57%
election 0.56%
scandal 0.21%
scandal + v. >>共 444
be 13.00%
break 8.60%
erupt 3.50%
come 2.76%
have 2.76%
force 2.23%
lead 2.20%
involve 2.01%
taint 1.38%
prompt 1.34%
bring 1.19%
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