21.   They said his health, already bad from years of imprisonment in China, was weakening.

22.   Tourist Ken Chan, who returned from Thailand on Sunday said health officers had told them doctors were available on board.

23.   Yeltsin, who underwent heart surgery late last year, returned to normal duties earlier this year, saying his health is fine.

24.   Yeltsin, who underwent heart surgery late last year, returned to normal duties earlier this year, saying his health was fine.

25.   He said her health and the length of the trial vindicated his move.

26.   He said port health officers were boarding aircraft, disinfecting cabin and cargo areas and asking staff about the health of all passengers on board.

27.   In Libreville, an informed source said health authorities had sealed off the area concerned and issued advice to its inhabitants on what precautions to take.

28.   The officials said health and sanitation facilities in the refugee camps, where thousands of fleeing tribespeople have taken shelter, was abysmal.

29.   Mahdi said the health and medical services provided to the returnees were satisfactory.

30.   She brushed aside defence appeals that a jail term could kill Bond, saying his health could be monitored in prison.

v. + health >>共 301
improve 9.82%
affect 4.82%
protect 4.82%
threaten 3.46%
damage 3.34%
regain 3.09%
promote 2.90%
maintain 2.84%
endanger 2.59%
have 2.35%
say 1.85%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
health 0.05%
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