21.   LPGA spokeswoman Connie Wilson said despite the weather, organizers hope to complete the tour as scheduled Sunday.

22.   Michael Andrews, a political and economic analyst with Salomon Brothers, says despite all the pitfalls he expects Clinton to take another shot at fast-track.

23.   Montgomery said despite the verdict, it was worthwhile just for the evidence.

24.   Neighbors said despite losing an eye in an accident, Oliver was a steady, experienced pilot.

25.   NASA officials say despite these problems they are committed to both piloted and robotic space missions.

26.   Phillip Flynn, chief credit officer, said despite the economic downturn the company will continue to trim non-core lending relationships.

27.   Several prominent writers said despite the arrests they believed that their lives were in danger.

28.   Specter says despite the ongoing rebellion in the western United States, he is confident that a jury for the Oklahoma City bombing trial can be found.

29.   The activists also say that despite speculation to the contrary, they are counting on Bush to stand firm.

30.   The producer said despite his years, Douglas worked hard without complaint.

v. + despite >>共 909
come 11.12%
continue 6.03%
say 5.03%
go 3.51%
win 3.49%
play 2.87%
remain 1.91%
persist 1.68%
occur 1.68%
rise 1.33%
say + p. >>共 77
in 43.65%
on 17.36%
at 6.73%
about 6.51%
after 3.95%
for 2.52%
with 2.23%
without 2.09%
of 2.00%
during 1.79%
despite 0.60%
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