21.   Ordinarily, trucks carrying military cargo carry transponders which are tracked by satellite, but Cale said this truck did not.

n. + track >>共 473
police 8.12%
stock 2.89%
authority 2.82%
company 2.48%
investigator 2.27%
official 2.13%
index 1.72%
bond 1.65%
satellite 1.45%
system 1.38%
satellite + v. >>共 250
be 16.52%
have 3.56%
transmit 3.46%
beam 2.70%
provide 2.38%
track 2.27%
broadcast 1.94%
carry 1.84%
detect 1.73%
take 1.73%
每页显示:    共 21