21.   They have brought Rwandan officials as well as people who have returned to Rwanda to talk to refugees.

22.   Though they later relented, Rwandan officials in fact refused a visa last month for the new chief prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte.

23.   To the disappointment of some Rwandan officials, Clinton did not even visit the genocide memorial built at the airport in advance of his visit.

24.   Tuesday United Nations and Rwandan military officials were meeting in Kibeho to discuss how both sides had tallied the dead and wounded.

25.   Western diplomats and Rwandan officials said they know little about him.

26.   President Daniel arap Moi on Thursday declared his refusal to extradite former Rwandan officials living in Kenya for trial before an international court on genocide charges.

27.   A number of former Rwandan officials have been accused of complicity in helping to organize the widespread killing of Tutsis under their jurisdiction.

28.   A Rwandan official, speaking on condition of anonimity, said a meeting between Rice and the rebels was possible later on Wednesday.

29.   A Rwandan official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there was little Bemba could contribute to the rebel cause apart from money.

30.   Aid agencies are scrambling to distribute the materials, and Rwandan officials have already warned of food shortages if U.N. agencies do not respond quickly.

a. + official >>共 393
senior 8.00%
military 5.53%
top 4.38%
state 3.93%
local 3.86%
israeli 3.77%
palestinian 3.40%
russian 3.34%
american 2.86%
federal 2.74%
rwandan 0.19%
rwandan + n. >>共 302
refugee 18.68%
government 13.38%
soldier 6.89%
army 6.76%
troop 4.87%
capital 4.62%
official 4.57%
authority 3.53%
border 3.36%
rebel 2.16%
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