21.   It has campaigned to be admitted into NATO despite Russian objections.

22.   Meri said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should also push on with its enlargement plans despite Russian objections to any eastward creep of NATO.

23.   Poles fear Russian objections to their NATO membership will only increase with time.

24.   President Bush said Friday he intends to go ahead with plans for building a nationwide missile defense, despite Russian objections, and also for reducing U.S. nuclear weapons.

25.   Russian objections center on what Moscow perceives to be heavy-handed actions, including the use of United States planes to jam Bosnian Serb broadcasts.

26.   Russian objections to Baltic membership of NATO, which Moscow perceives as a security threat, are a major stumbling block to expansion.

27.   She repeatedly has said that NATO expansion will proceed regardless of Russian objections.

28.   The central topic of the summit will likely be arms control, with Clinton seeking to overcome vociferous Russian objections to a proposed U.S. missile defense system.

29.   The NATO leaders agreed to intensify their air strikes against Yugoslavia and to impose an oil embargo enforced by NATO ships, despite Russian objections.

30.   The summit is expected to focus on Russian objections to NATO expansion and a U.S.-proposed charter to give Russia a larger role in NATO deliberations.

a. + objection >>共 315
strong 8.71%
russian 3.45%
israeli 2.33%
moral 2.25%
serious 2.10%
main 1.95%
strenuous 1.95%
major 1.73%
similar 1.65%
religious 1.58%
russian + n. >>共 781
troop 7.11%
official 5.60%
force 4.03%
government 3.40%
soldier 2.60%
authority 1.66%
leader 1.57%
television 1.48%
military 1.32%
army 1.05%
objection 0.09%
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