21.   Such a ruling would only affect future development, he said.

22.   That ruling affected numerous capital cases and overturned a Bird court decision that Justice Mosk had endorsed.

23.   The appeals court ruling does not affect state and local laws governing tobacco sales, use or marketing.

24.   The court ruling did not affect term limits for state offices.

25.   The department has asked the Court of Appeals for a speedy resolution, because of how its ruling could affect the presidential election.

26.   The judge also pointed out that his ruling only affects four congressional districts where the plaintiffs live, all in Brooklyn.

27.   The ruling affects only wine, not beer or liquor, and it includes out-of-state purchases over the telephone and through the mail, as well the Internet.

28.   The ruling also could affect recent settlement talks, Moore said.

29.   The ruling does not affect conversations between inmates and their lawyers, which are privileged communications.

30.   The ruling does not affect the public-financing aspect of the Vermont law, which was not challenged.

n. + affect >>共 1607
change 3.20%
strike 2.39%
decision 1.98%
cut 1.82%
problem 1.80%
ruling 1.59%
disease 1.29%
crisis 1.17%
rule 1.03%
move 0.92%
ruling + v. >>共 501
be 17.48%
come 6.60%
mean 4.16%
have 3.21%
affect 2.70%
apply 2.39%
say 2.18%
make 2.16%
allow 1.85%
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