21.   For this reason, the antitrust rules already permit doctors to form their own health plans.

22.   Government rules permit new workers to stay on Medicaid for a year or more after leaving welfare.

23.   He is not named on the nomination because an Academy Awards rule permits only two names per documentary.

24.   However, until now, the FDA rules permit companies to withhold details of gene therapy trials because they are considered commercially important trade secrets.

25.   In the United States, futures on stock prices, which trade overnight, immediately fell as far as market rules permit, and plunged even more Tuesday morning.

26.   It is fiercely jealous of its prerogatives and its arcane rules permit a single member, if he is determined enough, to tie up business for weeks.

27.   NCAA rules permit recruits to call college coaches at any time.

28.   Normal FBI rules permit agents to discharge weapons only in self-defense or to protect the life of an innocent person.

29.   Not only are prices low and taxes non-existent, U.S. customs rules permit citizens to return with far more duty-free merchandise than elsewhere.

30.   One might be tempted to light up a cigar and order a scotch if only the rules permitted it, and if only the bar served alcoholic drinks.

n. + permit >>共 529
law 12.86%
weather 7.03%
government 4.26%
rule 3.83%
condition 2.20%
state 2.06%
time 2.06%
bill 2.01%
court 1.87%
authority 1.67%
rule + v. >>共 596
be 26.73%
require 6.28%
apply 5.47%
allow 4.72%
prohibit 3.23%
make 2.02%
change 1.96%
say 1.82%
prevent 1.61%
have 1.53%
permit 1.02%
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