21.   Outside his modest home in the Tekoa settlement that overlooks rocky hills topped with Palestinian villages, Froman talks about his efforts to promote reconciliation.

22.   Plumes of smoke rose from rocky hills on Saturday as two rival factions fought for control of an area just west of the Afghan capital of Kabul.

23.   Back in the rocky hills of Betar, the nearby Jerusalem skyline has turned pink in the late afternoon sun.

24.   Both routes end up at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built around a small rocky hill where Jesus is believed to have been crucified and buried.

25.   But crowds of Palestinians stormed the rocky hill to try to get through the blockade.

26.   Developing the battlefield, located in a sea of grasses below a rocky hill, could create jobs.

27.   Dozens of policemen, some armed, were deployed on the rocky hill to discourage the pilgrims from making the short climb.

28.   Earlier, in the rocky hills just a few miles south of Jerusalem, the violence took a different turn.

29.   His motorcade drove on winding roads further inland, passing rocky hills dotted with clumps of trees and Palestinian villages below hilltop Israeli settlements.

30.   In the rocky hills just a few miles south of Jerusalem, the violence persisted.

a. + hill >>共 480
rolling 7.74%
surrounding 6.88%
steep 6.09%
nearby 5.23%
green 4.73%
small 3.79%
wooded 3.42%
large 2.22%
rugged 2.14%
rocky 1.85%
rocky + n. >>共 349
start 7.50%
relationship 4.45%
road 3.90%
islet 3.41%
hill 2.74%
terrain 2.68%
outcrop 2.26%
slope 2.20%
hillside 2.20%
time 1.71%
每页显示:    共 45