21.   A telephoto lens used by a photographer in El Cerrito, Calif., was mistaken for a rocket launcher.

22.   Abdullah said the Taliban had left behind most of its arms, including tanks, rocket launchers and ammunition.

23.   Aerospatiale makes large commercial aircraft, propeller-operated planes, helicopters, missiles, and rocket launchers for Arianespace.

24.   Alliance forces struck Taliban front-line positions east of the city with rocket launchers, artillery, and tanks.

25.   But one soldier, equipped with the rocket launcher, rose to train the rocket launcher at Kerry and his crew.

26.   Clumps of Afghan fighters milled around parked pickups, in the shadow of a tank and a big truck with a rocket launcher parked on a high flat spot.

27.   Cuban National Team third baseman, Luis Ulacia, has an arm like a rocket launcher.

28.   Curry said they were loaded into a van crammed with weapons and sat atop rocket launchers on a bumpy race toward Kandahar.

29.   Curry said they had been loaded into a van crammed with weapons and sat atop rocket launchers on a bumpy race toward Kandahar.

n. + launcher >>共 35
rocket 46.47%
grenade 37.67%
missile 8.79%
mortar 1.55%
satellite 0.95%
multiple-rocket 0.69%
tear-gas 0.52%
guerrilla 0.43%
rebel 0.34%
space 0.26%
rocket + n. >>共 236
attack 32.41%
launcher 19.63%
fire 5.68%
fuel 3.20%
scientist 2.62%
barrage 2.26%
booster 1.86%
science 1.82%
launch 1.64%
range 1.60%
每页显示:    共 536