21.   A rising dollar, and a weakening yen, weighs on bonds by diminishing the value of yen-denominated investments.

22.   A rising Canadian dollar also boosts the allure of assets denominated in that currency.

23.   A rising dollar also means faster inflation could creep into the economy via rising import prices.

24.   A rising dollar boosted exporters such as Sharp Corp. and Pioneer Electronics.

25.   A rising dollar boosts U.S. earnings when they are converted into francs.

26.   A rising dollar hurts U.S. multinational companies by making the revenue they earn overseas worth less when converted into dollars.

27.   A rising dollar make U.S. products more expensive and diminishes revenue from overseas sales.

28.   A rising dollar makes American goods more expensive overseas.

29.   A rising dollar makes Japanese imports of U.S. products more expensive.

30.   A rising dollar makes Treasuries more attractive to non-U.S. investors, allowing them to gain from both the appreciation of the bond and the rise in the currency.

a. + dollar >>共 617
stronger 13.04%
strong 11.79%
weaker 6.55%
canadian 6.45%
australian 5.91%
weak 4.43%
federal 3.44%
rising 2.90%
higher 2.31%
top 2.17%
rising + n. >>共 868
price 7.48%
cost 6.50%
star 4.16%
rate 3.58%
tension 3.53%
unemployment 3.29%
crime 2.81%
inflation 2.71%
tide 2.62%
number 2.47%
dollar 2.36%
每页显示:    共 223