21.   Cigar bars are ubiquitous and cigar smokers have taken their rightful if smelly place in the sun.

22.   Dole, as he does every day in campaign speeches, said he hoped to reconnect government with values and return America to its rightful place in the world.

23.   Every Dodgers fan rejoiced last weekend when the team of Koufax, Garvey and Gibson regained its rightful place in the world -- first place.

24.   Eventually Saint Serafim will probably be restored to his rightful place, and then pilgrims will want to visit.

25.   Ever since women rose up and demanded their rightful place in society, I have been in step.

26.   Everything is in its rightful place, and everything seems effortless, the way it must have seemed in stately Edwardian houses, if you were Upstairs.

27.   For they know that nothing short of a miracle will relegate replacement baseball to its rightful place on the trash heap before the regular season begins.

28.   He has awakened in them an intense desire to regain their rightful place in the political life of their country.

29.   He is merely assuming a rightful place.

30.   His spins and kneeling veered close to the kind of tricks beloved of ballet pyrotechnicians, though clearly such complicated moves have a rightful place in his vocabulary.

a. + place >>共 708
second 7.66%
first 6.84%
third 5.72%
public 3.05%
fourth 2.51%
good 2.49%
right 2.35%
last 2.27%
only 2.11%
same 1.75%
rightful 0.38%
rightful + n. >>共 114
owner 29.89%
place 21.51%
heir 4.52%
claim 2.58%
ruler 2.58%
position 2.15%
leader 1.94%
winner 1.72%
ownership 1.29%
president 1.29%
每页显示:    共 99