21.   She said the survey results indicated retailers are not taking that warning to heart.

22.   Some big retailers have taken their ads out of pages within the newspaper and moved to inserts.

23.   Some retailers are taking unprecedented steps to spur sales.

24.   Some large retailers are taking advantage of available space to expand.

25.   The retailer could have taken the campaign off the air while it fixed the merchandising problem.

26.   The struggling Troy, Michigan-based retailer has taken steps to resolve its immediate problems.

27.   The San Francisco-based retailer took fewer markdowns and had a better selection of clothes than its rivals, analysts said.

28.   They voiced a common complaint of many consumers, that retailers take their money and then fail to deliver what was promised.

29.   Though answers are mixed, analysts and retail consultants agree that shoppers learned big lessons in saving money last year while retailers took it in the jaw.

30.   To make the shift from also-ran to true brand, retailers have taken cues from some of their biggest suppliers, like Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren and Nautica.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
retailer 0.05%
retailer + v. >>共 640
be 9.28%
say 9.26%
report 7.18%
have 5.05%
sell 1.56%
offer 1.37%
see 1.31%
use 1.28%
expect 1.23%
continue 1.12%
take 1.04%
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