21.   The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors.

22.   The test results showed several genetic abnormalities.

23.   Opinion poll results showed that he was consistently more popular than Bolger with the electorate, and many commentators expected him to launch a challenge for the party leadership.

24.   The election results showed the KMT to be seriously divided.

25.   In addition to suggesting the validity of the zero-beta version of the CAPM, their results also showed the model to be unstable over time.

26.   This result showed a highly significant improvement in accuracy due to the adaptation period.

27.   The results show that this adaptation is not due to some sort of learned mechanism of correction in pointing, as the error increased when the prisms were removed.

28.   This result shows a significant improvement in pointing after adaptation.

29.   As expected, the results show a significant decrease in accuracy when initially pointing to a target while wearing prisms than for normal vision.

30.   The results also show a significant difference in accuracy before and after adaptation when wearing prisms.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
study 6.33%
report 3.69%
survey 3.26%
test 2.46%
television 2.44%
record 2.43%
figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
result + v. >>共 364
be 63.25%
show 3.39%
come 2.00%
suggest 1.14%
indicate 1.12%
mean 1.12%
leave 1.01%
have 0.95%
reflect 0.87%
expect 0.83%
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