21.   The companies that resisted the lure will now be financially strong enough to pick up the bargains that always appear when markets collapse.

22.   The difficulty the Air Force has had persuading fighter pilots to resist the lure of an airline hiring spree has been well publicized.

23.   Unlike many dot-com retailers, they have resisted the lure of venture capital money, which probably would have forced them to grow too fast.

24.   We are not strong-minded enough to resist deficit temptation, so we are going to bind ourselves as Ulysses did to resist the lure of the Sirens.

25.   While Hamilton has resisted the lure of the city, the city is inexorably moving toward her.

26.   Byrne resisted the lure of easy money, however, and took a different road that eventually led to acting ... and being a highly-paid Irish goofball.

27.   Chinese leaders thanked Antigua on Tuesday for resisting the lure of rival Taiwan and pledged to support economic development in the Caribbean country.

28.   Election officials looking for more accurate methods of counting votes should resist the lure of using the Internet as a technological cure for voting problems.

29.   Resisting the lure of more glamorous cultural scenes, choreographer Maurice Bejart has decided to keep his ballet company in this tranquil lakeside city.

30.   Unable to resist the lure of the crowd, Clinton moved slowly on crutches along a rope line to shake hands and sign autographs.

v. + lure >>共 93
resist 15.46%
use 8.25%
have 4.12%
offer 4.12%
understand 3.61%
fish 2.58%
cast 2.58%
ignore 1.55%
grab 1.55%
find 1.55%
resist + n. >>共 914
temptation 8.74%
pressure 7.83%
arrest 6.08%
effort 5.24%
call 4.93%
attempt 3.83%
change 3.12%
urge 2.88%
idea 2.51%
demand 2.19%
lure 0.65%
每页显示:    共 30