21.   Also, researchers found no association between overall brain cancer risk and cell phone use.

22.   Also surprisingly, researchers found few differences in rates of substance abuse between men and women.

23.   American researchers have found that firstborn babies have higher levels of a key immune protein associated with allergies.

24.   Although Internet use has become associated more and more with social isolation, some researchers are finding that the opposite may be true.

25.   Among retirees, the highest levels of depression and the lowest morale are experienced by men who make retirement permanent, the researchers found.

26.   American researchers have found that some monkeys can model and decorate clay, and suggest their exploits may highlight the way artistic skills evolved in humans.

27.   Among study participants, the researchers did not find any benefit of treatment of reflux disease.

28.   American researchers have found that the animals can model and decorate clay, and suggest their exploits may highlight the way artistic skills evolved in humans.

29.   Among women who had ever taken hormone replacement therapy, the researchers found no increased risk of the more common types of breast cancer.

30.   And a slight decrease in water temperature, a researcher has found, can turn a slow-moving sea star into a total slug.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
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researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
researcher + v. >>共 450
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be 4.75%
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use 2.12%
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