21.   The refugees fled to Croatia from northwestern Bosnia last August when the Bosnian government army routed troops loyal to their renegade leader, Fikret Abdic.

22.   The treason and war crimes trial of renegade Muslim leader Fikret Abdic began Wednesday without him present.

23.   They had put their faith in a renegade Muslim leader, Fikret Abdic, who carved a unique fiefdom during the war in the far northwest corner of Bosnia.

24.   Troops loyal to a renegade Muslim leader who is allied with the Serbs control the northern part of the Bihac pocket.

25.   Troops loyal to a renegade Muslim leader who is allied with the Serbs control the northern part of the pocket.

26.   Five Philippine soldiers were slain in an ambush in the southern Philippines Friday by suspected followers of a Muslim renegade leader facing trial for rebellion, military spokesmen said.

27.   Further north, rebels loyal to the renegade Moslem leader Fikret Abdic appeared to be about to overrun the town of Velika Kladusa.

28.   Hun Sen on Sunday urged his fellow Cambodian co-premier Prince Norodom Ranariddh to support moves to secure an amnesty for renegade Khmer Rouge leader Ieng Sary.

29.   However, he said he was not aware if any country had indicated an interest in granting asylum to the renegade Muslim leader.

30.   A royal pardon of renegade Khmer Rouge leader Ieng Sary drew dissenting reactions Sunday with most Cambodians approving of the reconciliatory move, and many foreign observers skeptical.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
renegade 0.07%
renegade + n. >>共 215
province 57.27%
soldier 3.72%
leader 3.09%
force 2.12%
group 2.06%
commander 1.78%
faction 1.55%
troop 1.32%
warlord 1.15%
member 0.92%
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