21.   In August, another Japanese nuclear plant was shut down because of a faulty pump at one of its reactors, but no radiation was released.

22.   It said no radiation was released.

23.   No radiation was released and the reactor was not damaged, ITAR-Tass said.

24.   No radiation was released and there were no casualties, said Oleksandr Zenyuk, deputy head of Goskomatom, the state nuclear regulatory agency.

25.   No radiation was released as a result of the incident.

26.   No radiation was released during the shutdown, the ITAR-Tass news agency said, adding that it was not clear what triggered the safety system.

27.   No radiation was released in either accident.

28.   No radiation was released, but the operator was bitterly criticized for its delayed action and tendency to downplay the size of damages.

29.   Neither of the accidents released any radiation.

30.   No radiation was released, and the reactor was undamaged.

v. + radiation >>共 123
release 12.73%
emit 9.61%
use 7.53%
absorb 4.42%
detect 4.16%
spread 3.12%
leak 2.86%
measure 2.86%
spew 2.86%
receive 2.34%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
radiation 0.26%
每页显示:    共 49